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1. Sura Shinsoo Lv. 125
2. Plankton Shinsoo Lv. 125
3. AlbaniaUltra Shinsoo Lv. 125
4. Anezvous Shinsoo Lv. 125
5. Veyazvous Shinsoo Lv. 125
6. NoteExperte Shinsoo Lv. 125
7. YokoObrien Chunjo Lv. 125
8. Frodo Jinno Lv. 125
9. Yuron Shinsoo Lv. 125
10. Wakari Shinsoo Lv. 125
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Nein, das geht nicht!

Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function Mcdev\Sql::hasSelectedRows(), 0 passed in /home/ftp/website/include/libs/metin/CharacterModel.php on line 68 and exactly 1 expected in /home/ftp/website/include/libs/mcdev/core/Sql.php:123 Stack trace: #0 /home/ftp/website/include/libs/metin/CharacterModel.php(68): Mcdev\Sql->hasSelectedRows() #1 /home/ftp/website/include/controller/RankingController.php(32): Mcdev\Metin\CharacterModel->canResetPosition() #2 /home/ftp/website/config/mcdev/frontend_controller.php(47): RankingController->rankingPlayer() #3 /home/ftp/website/index.php(110): require('/home/ftp/websi...') #4 {main} thrown in /home/ftp/website/include/libs/mcdev/core/Sql.php on line 123